Around half the patients with mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBIs) who encounter either fatigue or sleep disturbances two weeks after an injury continue to encounter problems at the three-month mark. A mild traumatic brain injury could, as a result, have a lasting impact on one’s sleep several months or even years after an injury, according to a physician-led team at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
The Scope of the Study
In the study, investigators considered 378 patients with mBTIs between the ages of 16 to 60, in addition to 82 matched trauma controls with orthopedic injuries, along with over 80 other matched community controls. The report called “The Prevalence and Stability of Sleep-Wake Disturbance and Fatigue throughout the First Year after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury” was published earlier this year.
The team led by this physician weighed increased sleep needs, reduced sleep quality, excessive sleepiness during the daytime, and fatigue at intervals ranging from two weeks to 12 months after an injury and utilized models to assess relevant group differences. The prevalence of the increased need to sleep, in addition to reduced sleep quality and fatigue, ultimately proved to be greater in patients with mild traumatic brain injuries than in trauma and community controls at the intervals that these were measured.
The Focus of the Study
Investigators also located a large number of people with brain injuries who reported issues with significant daytime sleepiness compared to trauma control groups. This group did not, however, comment on any issues with excessive daytime sleepiness than the community control group at any intervals of measured time.
People with nuanced mTBIs, which were identified by intracranial findings on CT or MRI, experienced more fatigue issues when contrasted to those individuals with uncomplicated mTBIs at any one of the three time points.
Approximately half the number of people with mTBIs who encountered sleep-wake issues as well as fatigue two weeks after an injury continued to have problems at three months. Around 33% of this group also encountered issues at 12 months.
Commentary by Authors of the Study
The authors of the study later commented that they observed an overlap between the different symptom measures, including a large number of people who reported one issue with fatigue instead of several. The authors concluded that their results offer strong evidence that mTBI contributes substantially to both the development and maintenance of these issues.
Common Issues Following Injuries
Fatigue and sleep disturbances, are commonly displayed symptoms after mild traumatic brain injuries and have been connected to a variety of adverse consequences, which include lowered cognitive abilities as well as emotional distress, and a lowered quality of life. Both insomnia and hypersomnolence are commonly seen after traumatic brain injuries and are followed by daytime distress.
Contact a Seasoned Brain Accident Attorney
After a brain accident injury, it can be confusing to determine how to proceed. One of the best things you can do in such a situation is to obtain the assistance of an experienced attorney like House Law LLC.
Tags: brain injury, personal injury, traumatic brain injury
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